Toys-R-Us broke our hearts last year when they announced the closing of it's retail stores in the area. Today it was announced that another local big box store, this one with ties to the Capital Region since the 80's, is closing it's doors for good.
There are six of these mall accessory stores in and around the Capital Region. Chances are you or someone you know got their ears pierced here and now they have filed for bankruptcy in hopes to stay open.
I don't wanna grow up (or find out this is happening) I'm A Toys "R" Us kid! I remember when my parents used to take me there and it was like being in toy heaven. I loved testing out the new Atari 2600 video games, seeing what new He-Man toys came in, and sometimes if I was lucky, my dad would let me sit on a new bike and take it for a spin. It wasn't about having all the toys, it was
It seems like we are mentioning more and more department stores filing for bankruptcy and ultimately closing their doors. Another department store will be doing just that here in the Capital Region.
Anyone that has been a kid in the last, I don't know, 40 or 50 years (?!) you, I'm sure would head to Payless Shoes for your Easter Oxford Saddles. You know what I'm talking about, the white and black shoes that everyone just had to have. The reverse Oreo, if you will.