
First Self-Driving Car Coming to Capital Region
First Self-Driving Car Coming to Capital Region
First Self-Driving Car Coming to Capital Region
We keep hearing the news and updates about self-driving cars but it seems as if they weren't actually real, just something futuristic that you see in movies. Now, not only are these cars a reality but they're coming to Albany.
Dog Friendly Restaurants In The Capital Region
Dog Friendly Restaurants In The Capital Region
Dog Friendly Restaurants In The Capital Region
Let me first say that I think it's awesome that there are a bunch of restaurants in the 518 that accept our furry friends to dine with us. Unfortunately, I can't participate because my dog, Freddie, isn't the kind of dog that would sit nicely at a restaurant. Although I did find a ton of restaurants that accept the well behaved kind.
Wealthiest Zip Codes in the Capital Region
Wealthiest Zip Codes in the Capital Region
Wealthiest Zip Codes in the Capital Region
I'm looking to buy a house right now so aside from taxes, I've been looking at areas that make the most sense to settle down. I obviously want a house in a great neighborhood where I can make money on the house after some time. I was incredibly fascinated with this list of the wealthiest zip codes in the Capital Region.
This Albany NY Tricentennial Song Video is PRICELESS [WATCH]
This Albany NY Tricentennial Song Video is PRICELESS [WATCH]
This Albany NY Tricentennial Song Video is PRICELESS [WATCH]
Oh, how the times have changed. While 1986 doesn't seem all that long ago for a lot of us, this video proves just how long ago it really was. From the hair styles, the fashion and the song itself nothing more 80's has ever taken place in Albany!
What To Do and Where To Go This Memorial Day Weekend
What To Do and Where To Go This Memorial Day Weekend
What To Do and Where To Go This Memorial Day Weekend
This weekend is the unofficial kick off to summer and I know we are all looking forward to it! How can we not be?! Lets just think back to a couple of months ago when we could barely get down the Northway because of piles of snow; or how about the last couple of months of ridiculous rain (last Thursday, anybody?!)

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