Sebastian Maniscalco Reschedules 6 Albany Shows
As one of the thousands in the area who found a way to snag tickets for one of his 6 sold-out shows at Albany's Palace Theatre in April, I was certain it was a matter of time that the coronavirus would shut down Sebastian Maniscalco as well. But the good news is, that all 6 of the comedian's Palace Theatre shows have been rescheduled for the summer.
According to the Palace Theatre, tickets for shows that were originally scheduled for April 3-5th, will now be honored July 31-August 2nd. Something tells me that by the time Maniscalco comes back to the area in August, he's still going to be plenty annoyed by people's reaction to the coronavirus and I can't wait to hear his take on toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and social distance.
Here's the breakdown:
April 3rd 7PM has been rescheduled for July 31st 7pm
April 3rd 930PM- July 31st 930PM
April 4th 7PM- August 1st 7PM
April 4th 930PM-August 1st 930 PM
April 5th 5PM-August 2nd 5PM
April 5th 8PM -August 2nd 8PM