Menands School District Cuts Recess
When I think of fun times in elementary and middle school a good chunk of them come from those recess breaks. I got a little bit of time to be a kid and just hang out with my friends.
This time change took effect at the beginning of the school year in Menands for students in kindergarten through 5th grade. Recess will now be 10 minutes instead of 20 minutes. For those in middle school, recess has been completely removed.
The District said that the reason they decided to reduce recess time is that they wanted "to maximize instructional time and meet increased expectations and new standards from the state education department," according to CBS6 Albany.
There was an open forum on Wednesday where many parents expressed their concern. Most parents were upset that children were going to have to sacrifice recess time for more instructional time. The Superintendent said she will take the feedback to the school board for review.