Love Cowboy Unfazed By Phase One Confusion [Audio]
Phase one has opened in the Capital Region and there might be some confusion about what that means. We're not saying that Love Cowboy can help, but he will "attempt" to clear some of the uncertainty in regards to things that are open, operable and back in business. As usual, what the Love Cowboy actually knows is completely different from what he thinks he knows, but here goes. Here are "phase one things as defined by Love Cowboy" heard exclusively with Brian and Chrissy in the morning on 107.7 WGNA.
Love him or hate him, the Love Cowboy is about as consistent as they come. Every weekday morning just after 6am and 8am, he saddles on up inside the GNA studio. He comes with relationship advice for you GNA listeners and insults for anyone who dares to get in his way; usually that person is Brian.
Overall, it's his no-nonsense approach to life, love, and the current state of affairs that make him quite refreshing in today's climate. Be sure to check out the replay of each daily segment, the next morning just after 6am.
If you have a question for the LC, hit us up at mornings
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