Local Splash Pad Helps Beat Oppresive Heat
Plans to build the the Scotia Splash Pad started back in 2016 but it's construction amounted to nothing more than a tiny squirt. When problems arose from various conract issues resulting in multiple delays, many local businesses in and around Scotia stepped up and the Scotia Splash Pad in now fully operable just in time for the opressive heatwave blasting our area.
Just in time to help children stay cool during the heat wave, the new splash pad in Collins Park had their grand opening at 11:15 a.m. Saturday, the Scotia-Glenville Lions Club told the Daily Gazette.
The 2,040-square-foot interactive water feature includes 16 water jets that will spray water 3 to 10 feet into the air. The spash pad will have a few different areas and will be age appropriate as one exists for older children; one for smaller children with lower water jets. The village will maintain the system, operating roughly from Memorial Day to Labor Day during park hours.
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