Lake George Named Most Beautiful Lake In U.S.
Living here in the Capital Region, sometimes we take for granted just how beautiful this area really is. A travel website named Lake George #1 on a short list of the 'Most Beautiful Lakes in the U.S.' putting in perspective just how lucky we are to have it mostly to ourselves!
When you see something over and over, it's easy to disregard some of the things that an out-of-towner would marvel at. Take for example, Lake George. I've made a lifetime of memories on this gorgeous lake nestled in the Adirondacks, but I haven't been across the country and experienced other magnificent lakes. So I guess you could say I too, take it for granted.
News Channel 13 mentioned this article recently and after doing a little bit of an investigation on my own, I realized that the original 'survey' took place a few years back. But nonetheless, according to the travel website, Lake George is in fact, the most beautiful of America's great lakes. It's been a few years, but I don't think anything has changed! She's still as stunning as ever.
According to the travel website, Lake George has all the things you want, whether it's a day-trip, weekend getaway, or a week long retreat. It's perfect for all of your Summer fun activities with it's pristine waters and breathtaking Adirondack views.
We couldn't agree more!