Josh Turner has earned Billboard's honor of the No. 1 song of the entire year for 2012. Surprisingly, 'Time Is Love' is also becoming a Country Dance favorite.

Turner's latest smash comes from the hit album 'Punching Bag.' The dance was introduced in the Albany Area by Duke Alexander at the Winter Workshop at the Ballroom on Sunset, with the steps courtesy of Turner's other danceable favorites include 'Why Don't We Just Dance' and 'Firecracker.'

Yellow Diamonds / Time Is Love Line Dance
Josh Turner- Time Is Love
Choreographed by Zac Detweiller
32 Count/2 Wall Line Dance

2x Walks forward, ½ turn Left, 2 ½ turning triples
1,2Step forward Right, Step forward Left
3,4Step forward Right, make a ½ turn Left stepping forward
5&6Make a ¼ turn Left stepping back Right, Make a ¼ turn Left stepping forward Left, Step forward Right (facing 12 O’clock)
7&8Make a ¼ turn Left stepping Left forward, Step Right beside Left, Make a ¼ turn Left stepping Left forward (facing 6 O’clock)

Step ¼ turn pivot, syncopated vine Left, ¼ touch
1,2Step forward Right, make a ¼ turn Left stepping Left in Place (facing 3 O’clock)
3,4Cross Right over Left, Step Left to Left
5&6Step Right behind Left, Step Left to Left, Step Right across Left
7,8Make a ¼ turn Left stepping forward on Left, Touch Right beside Left ( facing 12 O’clock)

Slow Cross rocks, Full turn Left (facing 12 O’clock)
1,2Cross body rock Right over Left, Recover weight Left
3,4Step Right to Right, Cross body rock Left over Right,
5,6Recover weight Right Make a ¼ turn to Left stepping forward Left
7,8Make a ½ turn Left stepping back Right, Make a ¼ turn Left stepping Left to Left side

Cross body rock, Recover, ½ turn Right, 2x Sailor Steps
1,2Cross body rock Right over Left, Recover weight Left
3,4Make a ¼ turn Right stepping forward Right, make a ¼ turn Right stepping Left to Left
5&6Step Right behind Left, Step Left to Left, Step Right slightly forward to Right
7&8Step Left behind Right, step Right to Right, Step Left slightly forward (facing 6 O’clock)

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