How to Apply For Heat Assistance This Winter
There are millions of dollars available to New Yorkers to help with heating bills this coming winter. Here's how you apply and see if you qualify for assistance from the state this winter. We have already gotten some snowflakes in the Capital Region and before you know it the cold air and more of the white stuff will be here. If you think you may need help paying your heating bill this winter, help is available.
According to News 10 ABC, under the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), there are millions of dollars available to pay New Yorkers' heat bills. HEAP was created to assists those who qualify to survive winter in New York state.
Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that there are three hundred twenty-eight million dollars available in funding to provide heating assistance to New Yorkers. Depending on which fuel you use to heat your home, determines the amount of money you can get from the state. The amount of the HEAP grant will range from three hundred fifty dollars up to as much as seven hundred forty-six dollars.
New York State Electric and Gas along with other utility companies are urging residents to enroll for heating assistance. The millions of dollars available across New York state depends on eligibility. It is based on income, the household size, the primary heating source, and the ages of the members within the household. If there are kids under the age of six and adults older than sixty or permanently disabled residents.
To get more information and to apply for HEAP, click HERE.