Don’t Make Dinner Tonight – Here’s Why
Turner literally just asked me if we could get subs for dinner. At first I was like, "No, I'll just make something," but now I'm like.... "Hmmmmmm...."
I remember reading a study this morning that determined how long you spend preparing meals during the average year, if you rarely ever go out, and I'm wasting a lot of my life cooking and prepping meals!
On average, you spend...
1. 62 hours making breakfast.
2. 94 hours making lunch.
3. 213 hours making dinner.
4. 8 hours making snacks.
Added together, that's, it's 377 hours!! Or 23 days spent making food! And that doesn't even count the time you spend eating. Woooooof!
I don't know about you, but I don't have that kind of time to waste!
So Turner's getting his sub tonight!