Do you think you're wasting your life at your pointless job? Well, you are!
This morning on the show, Sean and I gave you 8 facts demonstrating just how deeply you're drowning in emails, faxes, coffee, and pointless meetings. From a great new study of terrible stats about the average person's career...
Turner literally just asked me if we could get subs for dinner. At first I was like, "No, I'll just make something," but now I'm like.... "Hmmmmmm...."
I remember reading a study this morning that determined how long you spend preparing meals during the average year, if you rarely ever go out, and I'm wasting a lot of my life cooking and prepping meals...
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West were floating down the red carpet at the TIME 100 Gala, looking stunning as always when all of the sudden MTV Movie Awards hostess with the mostess tripped and fell right in front of them!
Amy Schumer says it was her idea to take a spill on purpose in front of the famous couple...
When most of us were in grade school, the teacher would be in front of everyone in the classroom and take attendance, and now it’s happening to some New York State employees and agencies.
Turn your clocks forward this Sunday! Or, just have a cellphone.
If you're like me, the clock on your dashboard has been wrong for several months now, and now it's about to be correct again! Yes!
Other than that, there aren't so many good things about it...