
Bethlehem Cover BOY to be on Ellen Today
Bethlehem Cover BOY to be on Ellen Today
Bethlehem Cover BOY to be on Ellen Today
In October, James Charles of Bethlehem was crowned Cover Girls first Cover BOY and made national news. Now, today he's hitting televisions around the world with his debut on Ellen!
After CBS Special, Do I Still Think JonBenet’s Brother Did It? [VIDEO]
After CBS Special, Do I Still Think JonBenet’s Brother Did It? [VIDEO]
After CBS Special, Do I Still Think JonBenet’s Brother Did It? [VIDEO]
CBS just aired the two-part documentary series "The Case Of: JonBenet Ramsey" on Sunday and Monday nights. Leading into the two night special I believed I had a clear idea of who I thought did this horrible act. I thought it was Burke, JonBenets then 9-year old brother. Did the special change my mind?
CBS Set to Air JonBenet Documentary – I Think the Brother Did It
CBS Set to Air JonBenet Documentary – I Think the Brother Did It
CBS Set to Air JonBenet Documentary – I Think the Brother Did It
20 years ago, I was just 12-years old. I can remember the news reports though the day of after Christmas in 1996. It seemed to blow up in the media almost immediately, which given the lack of Hollywood stardom seemed a little peculiar but given the age of little JonBenet, maybe it wasn't so strange.
Binge Watching with Marissa: Catfish Edition
Binge Watching with Marissa: Catfish Edition
Binge Watching with Marissa: Catfish Edition
I've had a couple of days to myself. So, of course, what does any self respecting adult do with a couple of days off? They watch an entire season of a television show they would usually have scanned right passed of course.
What I learned Watching The CMT Music Awards
What I learned Watching The CMT Music Awards
What I learned Watching The CMT Music Awards
I should tell you when I first decided to write this review of the CMT Music Awards I was pretty sure it was going to be pretty negative in nature. When I began to watch the show I was being barraged by celebrity cameos, r&b remixes, crazy outfits, and even a performance by Pitbull, yes the rapper, Pitbull. I really had all I could do to not turn the show off when Luke Bryan came onto stage wi

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