
NY Attorney General Resigns Amidst Abuse Allegations
NY Attorney General Resigns Amidst Abuse Allegations
NY Attorney General Resigns Amidst Abuse Allegations
Allegations made against New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman by former romantic partners have prompted him to resign on Monday, just hours after a shocking report in The New Yorker.  Four of his former partners have alleged that Schneiderman hit them as well as becoming verbally and mentally abusive towards them - often after drinking binges.
Cuomo Employee Booted Off Plane After Obsenity Laced Tirade And Threats (VIDEO)
Cuomo Employee Booted Off Plane After Obsenity Laced Tirade And Threats (VIDEO)
Cuomo Employee Booted Off Plane After Obsenity Laced Tirade And Threats (VIDEO)
Susan Peirez, a state employee who works for governor Cuomo as program director for the NYS Council on the Arts, was booted off a Delta Airlines Flight from JFK to Syracuse last week. She complained of an 8 month old crying baby seated near her and following that up by threatening a flight attendant with her job.  The woman's tirade was captured on video by the 19 year old mother of the child. Rea
George Washington’s Hair Discovered At Union College Library
George Washington’s Hair Discovered At Union College Library
George Washington’s Hair Discovered At Union College Library
We see our first president's head all over the place; dollar bills, quarters etc., but this find was head and shoulders above the rest when it was discovered at Union College in Schenectady recently.  Amazingly, strands of hair belonging to George Washington turned up inside a leather-bound almanac from 1793.
Trump’s SOTU Provided A Powerful Moment I’ll Never Forget(VIDEO)
Trump’s SOTU Provided A Powerful Moment I’ll Never Forget(VIDEO)
Trump’s SOTU Provided A Powerful Moment I’ll Never Forget(VIDEO)
Love him or hate him, last night's State of the Union Address by President Trump delivered moments that reminded me how great America can be, and how great it really is.  One moment in particluar stood out, and I don't care what side of the political ledger you're on, if the incredible story of North Korean defector Ji Seong-ho didn't touch you, nothing will.
Would You Vote For “The Rock”?
Would You Vote For “The Rock”?
Would You Vote For “The Rock”?
If someone said to you two years ago, that there would be a President Donald Trump in the White House, you'd chuckle at the thought of someone having the same name as the real estate mogul running America.  Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has hinted that he may run for president of the United States someday.  Would you vote for him?
Governor Cuomo’s Haunted Mansion
Governor Cuomo’s Haunted Mansion
Governor Cuomo’s Haunted Mansion
Things go bump in the night and in the day sometimes according to the current and previous governors of New York. In an interview with the AP last Thursday, Governor Cuomo admitted that he believes there may be ghosts in his Albany residence.
Take Me Out to the Protest [PHOTO]
Take Me Out to the Protest [PHOTO]
Take Me Out to the Protest [PHOTO]
When San Francisco 49ers QB Colin Kaepernick decided not to stand for the National Anthem during NFL games, it became the kind of talk and fodder that extended far beyond football. It was his freedom of expression even if you disagreed with it.
Protests Take Place At Albany International Airport on Sunday
Protests Take Place At Albany International Airport on Sunday
Protests Take Place At Albany International Airport on Sunday
Since the votes were counted and Donald Trump was labeled "President Elect," protests have become the new norm. No, listen, I am well aware protesting happens all of the time, but it seems like everyone is getting involved these days.

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