
Amazon Will Offer Even Faster Delivery
Amazon Will Offer Even Faster Delivery
Amazon Will Offer Even Faster Delivery
I don't know what we would do without Amazon Prime. Jenn lives and dies by all of the things we get conveniently delivered to our house. Well now it's going to be even faster and more convenient for everyone.
Cohoes Powerball Winner Revealed
Cohoes Powerball Winner Revealed
Cohoes Powerball Winner Revealed
A Powerball jackpot of $768.4 was won last month by a twenty four year old man in Wisconsin. Although there was only one winner of the top prize, there was also one winner in New York state of one million dollars.
Target's Car Seat Trade In Event Starts Today
Target's Car Seat Trade In Event Starts Today
Target's Car Seat Trade In Event Starts Today
It's that time of year again. Target is holding its car seat trade in event. It runs for a few weeks and allows you to save a ton of money and recycle your old car seat to get an upgrade. Here are the details.
Earth Day Deals 2019
Earth Day Deals 2019
Earth Day Deals 2019
Today (Monday April 22nd) is Earth Day and there are a few deals around the Capital Region to take advantage of by helping to save the planet. Here are some of those deals.
Win A $6 Trip To Hawaii - Here's How
Win A $6 Trip To Hawaii - Here's How
Win A $6 Trip To Hawaii - Here's How
How would you like to get a six dollar round trip vacation to Hawaii? There is a fast food restaurant that is giving you the chance. They are limited and you only have a small window to try and get yourself one. Here's how.
Never Change The Toilet Paper Roll Again
Never Change The Toilet Paper Roll Again
Never Change The Toilet Paper Roll Again
If you are sick of changing the toilet paper roll all of the time, there is a new forever roll that you will absolutely love. It may not last forever but it lasts a very long time.
Wait...How Much Does A Babysitter Make Per Hour?!
Wait...How Much Does A Babysitter Make Per Hour?!
Wait...How Much Does A Babysitter Make Per Hour?!
If you are a mom, you know it is hard to find great babysitters. When you do, you want to keep them at all costs. A study was done that showed, on average, what a babysitter makes per hour across the country. I couldn't believe the results.
Chrissy's 8 Year Old's Plans For The Powerball Jackpot
Chrissy's 8 Year Old's Plans For The Powerball Jackpot
Chrissy's 8 Year Old's Plans For The Powerball Jackpot
We all dream of winning the big lottery jackpot and talk about what we would spend all of that money on. We say we would pay off debt, travel the world and help out those in need. So I decided to ask what my 8 year old son, Ryan, would spend the jackpot on. Here's what he said.

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