
A.C. Moore Stores to Close
A.C. Moore Stores to Close
A.C. Moore Stores to Close
A.C. Moore Arts and Crafts will close all of its locations nationwide. There is a plan for a handful of their stores but the store as we know it is going out of business.
Beware! Holiday Gift Cards Top For Scammers
Beware! Holiday Gift Cards Top For Scammers
Beware! Holiday Gift Cards Top For Scammers
Gift cards have become the biggest seller for the holidays. I know I love to give gift cards because they are convenient and it gives the recipient the option to buy what they want. Beware though because scammers are targeting gift cards this holiday season.
Get Help With Your Heating Bills
Get Help With Your Heating Bills
Get Help With Your Heating Bills
We haven't even started the winter yet and it's already been bitter cold. It looks as if we are in for a long cold, snowy winter. There are millions of dollars available in heating assistance for all New Yorkers that qualify.
Love Cowboy’s Take on Fake Engagement Ring (Audio)
Love Cowboy’s Take on Fake Engagement Ring (Audio)
Love Cowboy’s Take on Fake Engagement Ring (Audio)
Missy in Rotterdam emailed the show because he boyfriend made a rather straightforward confession to her.  Missy claims that when discussing the engagement ring that he would get her down the road, she was surprised to hear him tell her that he would never purchase a real diamond.  Missy's boyfriend wants to use the money saved for more practical things like saving for a house and future.  Would M
Personalized Gift Cards Latest Scam
Personalized Gift Cards Latest Scam
Personalized Gift Cards Latest Scam
There is another creative way that someone is trying to scam you out of money. This latest scam comes in the form of a personalized card. Here's what to look out for.
Making Cookies? Dough Recalled
Making Cookies? Dough Recalled
Making Cookies? Dough Recalled
The holiday cookie baking season is around the corner and if you are like us and use the ready-made cookie dough, you may want to check your refrigerator. There is a recall.

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