When we’re driving, we might think about the possibility of another driver having a few too many drinks.

Person Sleeping Behind The Wheel
Person Sleeping Behind The Wheel (iStock)

What we might not think about is the person who is tired and driving. We all have busy lives. Maybe someone worked longer hours than normal at their job, and might not have gotten enough sleep. This could create a very dangerous situation.

New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo’s office recently kicked off a new campaign to warn drivers about the dangers of drowsy driving. Part of the new campaign will include signs that will be posted along some major New York State roadways, the Thruway and Northway. Those signs will remind drivers that they need to stay awake.

In a story from WNYT, Doctor Siobhan Kuhar from the Albany Regional Sleep Disorder Cneter mentioned that if someone “has been awake for 17 hours, it’s similar to a having a blood alcohol content of .10 percent.”

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