Stay Awake, Stay Alive: This Trend is Proving Deadly to New York DriversStay Awake, Stay Alive: This Trend is Proving Deadly to New York DriversWhile driving drunk is still a constant threat to New York drivers, driving drowsy is quickly becoming another imminent threat, and the statistics are chilling.Dan BahlDan Bahl
Alerting Drivers About Drowsy DrivingAlerting Drivers About Drowsy DrivingWhen we’re driving, we might think about the possibility of another driver having a few too many drinks."Brother" Lou Roberts"Brother" Lou Roberts
Have You Ever Fallen Asleep While Behind The Wheel? You’re Not AloneHave You Ever Fallen Asleep While Behind The Wheel? You’re Not AloneThis is scary. I hate reading stats like this. According to the Huffington Post, 1 in 24 adults have done this, and it's a number that's growing.Richie PhillipsRichie Phillips