Vote For The Victory Mills’ “Good Citizen Of The Year” [POLL]
First, I want to thank everyone who wrote in to nominate people for the Victory Mills Citizen of the year. We received many amazing nominations. The hardest part was narrowing it down to four deserving individuals, but we have. Now it is your turn once again, we need your vote!
In the interest of fairness you will only be allowed one vote, so if there is someone you really believe in, make sure to tell your friends and neighbors to vote as well. Please read the excerpt I have included from the emails we received and then vote for your favorite.
1. Maureen Kemmet: Maureen has been our village clerk for several years. She has handled every major project that has been brought to her. She put together wonderful welcome packages for residents new to the area which include; refuse pick up, recycle pick up, village meeting times, dates and places. Maureen always treats people the way she would expect to be treated and is very helpful and sincere to all she come into contact with.
2. Mark Dennison: Assistant Fire Chief for the Village of Victory. He has spent countless hours over the course of his 31+ years of fire service fighting fires, doing EMS calls , training & teaching training courses. He was Fire Chief for 9 years of those years as well. The knowledge, integrity and devotion he shows his department as well as his community makes him an excellent candidate for this award.
3. Cathy Ippoliti: Shes GREAT! She lives in the hamlet off of Victory Mills known as Smithville and teaches special education kids at Schuylerville central school. They learn life skills.. I have seen them in Walgreens stocking shelves with her as part of their learning how to work.. she cares for each of her students very much.
4. Jodi Leight: Jodi gives 100% of her time to the community. She teaches chorus during school hours, and also tutors her students that need help. She gets up early to teach select chorus students at 7am before school starts. Jodi also organizes the Schuylerville Relay for Life team. Last year the team raised $30,000 for American Cancer Society. Jodi also helps or directs the school play.
OK, that is what your neighbors had to say about these nominees, now it is all up to you. Keep in mind you will only be able to vote ONCE a day and in the interest of fairness, we will not show the results until the polls are closed. Please encourage your friends and family to vote for your favorite but keep it fair.