Upstate Workers Will Make More In 2019
Get ready, the New York state minimum wage will be going up in 2019. But it will be different for each part of the state.
Upstate New York workers will see a bit of an increase in their paychecks starting on December 31st. According to WRGB, the minimum wage for here in the Capital Region will go from $10.40 per hour to $11.10. Then in 2019 it will increase to $11.70 and then to $12.50 in 2020.
Those who work in fast food will see their minimum wage is going up by one dollar on December 31st to $12.75. Those workers who are tipped will remain at $7.50 and will not go up until the end of next year.
Minimum wage in Westchester County and Long Island will go up to $12 per hour which is up one full dollar. New York City businesses with eleven employees or more will have to pay fifteen dollars per hour which is up two dollars.