
Daylight Savings Time Starts This Sunday!
Daylight Savings Time Starts This Sunday!
Daylight Savings Time Starts This Sunday!
Turn your clocks forward this Sunday!  Or, just have a cellphone. If you're like me, the clock on your dashboard has been wrong for several months now, and now it's about to be correct again!  Yes! Other than that, there aren't so many good things about it...
You Know You’re Fed Up With Winter When…
You Know You’re Fed Up With Winter When…
You Know You’re Fed Up With Winter When…
When? When what?  It's YOUR turn.  I'm in a really bad mood tonite.  We're in a deep freeze AGAIN.  I'm mad as hell and I can't take it any more!  Can you?  Here's how I can tell that the dreaded cabin fever has taken over, and then I'll ask you.
‘One Inch of Snow’ Fake Movie Trailer Makes Fun of Atlanta For Being Unable to Cope!
‘One Inch of Snow’ Fake Movie Trailer Makes Fun of Atlanta For Being Unable to Cope!
‘One Inch of Snow’ Fake Movie Trailer Makes Fun of Atlanta For Being Unable to Cope!
We are from the North East, right?!  We can handle a couple of feet of snow!  But those folks from the South just can't do it!  A couple of inches in the forecast, and they shut down the whole city! Here's a cute, fake movie trailer for the fake film, "One Inch of Snow" - it's worth a watch if you're over winter, like I am, but you're tough enough for more...
Clifton Park Man Caught In The Act With 12-Year-Old Girl! [Cell Phone Photo Included]
Clifton Park Man Caught In The Act With 12-Year-Old Girl! [Cell Phone Photo Included]
Clifton Park Man Caught In The Act With 12-Year-Old Girl! [Cell Phone Photo Included]
This world never ceases to amaze me. It is so full of bad things happening to good people. I know that we at the "Sean and Richie Show" try very hard to stay positive everyday, if for no other reason to counter act all the bad news that streams from the media on an ever-increasing basis. Sometimes though, there are people who just need to be "outed" for the things they have don

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