
This May Be The WORST Person To Be Stuck On A Plane With! [VIDEO]
This May Be The WORST Person To Be Stuck On A Plane With! [VIDEO]
This May Be The WORST Person To Be Stuck On A Plane With! [VIDEO]
I hate flying. It's not so much the fear of crashing or anything like that, if I even have a thought like that I push it out of my head and use logic, I just say to myself, "Well it's out of your hands at this point, and stressing about it or thinking about it won't help." That seems to work for me. What I do hate about flying is being cramped in such a tiny space with a plane full of st
Biker Brawl
Biker Brawl
Biker Brawl
Here is a story that is making the rounds in the media today. My friend told me about it last night and I have to be honest, just his description scared me a little bit. After seeing it, I am even more shocked. I will warn you, after the news account in the beginning of the video there is about 6 minutes of real-time video captured by one of the bikers.
Throwback Thursday! – King Tut [VIDEO]
Throwback Thursday! – King Tut [VIDEO]
Throwback Thursday! – King Tut [VIDEO]
Have you heard of this "Throwback Thursday"? I guess it was started on Twitter I believe and has since moved onto Facebook as well. It's a simple Idea really, people put up old pictures of themselves and label l them "Throwback Thursday" and use the hash tag, #TBT.
Elderly Man And His Wife Of 66 Years Sing “You Are My Sunshine” At His Hospital Bed [VIDEO]
Elderly Man And His Wife Of 66 Years Sing “You Are My Sunshine” At His Hospital Bed [VIDEO]
Elderly Man And His Wife Of 66 Years Sing “You Are My Sunshine” At His Hospital Bed [VIDEO]
This morning we talked a little bit about a video I found on the internet. The video is of an elderly man in a hospital bed, his wife off 66 years by his side and together they sing "You are my Sunshine". There is just something about it, it makes me feel good again about being alive and being human.
YouTube Is Ready To Pick The Winning Video! They Will Be Back On Line In Ten Years [VIDEO]
YouTube Is Ready To Pick The Winning Video! They Will Be Back On Line In Ten Years [VIDEO]
YouTube Is Ready To Pick The Winning Video! They Will Be Back On Line In Ten Years [VIDEO]
This at face value looks like just another April Fool's joke. YouTube has announced it's real purpose has always been to simply find the best video ever made. The response as you know has just been tremendous. The enormous amount of "entries" is why they have resided to close up shop so to speak for 10 years to be sure they pick the right winner.
Play It Where It Lies! Did You See Sergio Garcia Climb a tree To Hit A Golf Ball This Weekend? [VIDEO]
Play It Where It Lies! Did You See Sergio Garcia Climb a tree To Hit A Golf Ball This Weekend? [VIDEO]
Play It Where It Lies! Did You See Sergio Garcia Climb a tree To Hit A Golf Ball This Weekend? [VIDEO]
Did you watch the Arnold Palmer Classic this weekend. If you didn't you missed some great golf. It's always nice when Tiger, is actually playing like Tiger. I also love that there seems to be a resurgence of talent in the American ranks. I have to admit I was worried for a while there. But the highlight of the weekend may have been the play of Sergio Garcia.
New Darius Rucker Video
New Darius Rucker Video
New Darius Rucker Video
The video for Darius Rucker's version of "Wagon Wheel is out and I absolutely LOVE it. Watching it just makes me more and more anxious for Countryfest! Darius is just a great guy and a super talented singer. If you love great scenery, great directing, cameos, and especially great country music, you will love this one as well. The video, really seems to capture the feel of the song and I think

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