
Watch WGNA’S Very Own Bethany Do Drunk Karaoke On A Cruise [VIDEO]
Watch WGNA’S Very Own Bethany Do Drunk Karaoke On A Cruise [VIDEO]
Watch WGNA’S Very Own Bethany Do Drunk Karaoke On A Cruise [VIDEO]
I have been around Bethany long enough to know that she is truly at her best with a couple of drinks in here. To be fair she is fun all the time but there is always a very thin layer of caution she has that stops her from losing all inhibitions and cutting loose. How thin is that layer? About as thin as 2 cosmopolitans. Now I don't know how many adult beverages she or her hubby had before they too
What Are The Most Common Things People Forget When Packing For Vacation
What Are The Most Common Things People Forget When Packing For Vacation
What Are The Most Common Things People Forget When Packing For Vacation
Don't you just hate that feeling that you forgot something?  You just left for your vacation that you've been saving up for all year and you're just sure you left something at home. It's a pretty irrational fear in 2015. Because, unless you're going to Antarctica, or a barren wilderness you can always buy a replacement once you're there...
Reasons Why Your Pre-Vacation Diet Is Failing
Reasons Why Your Pre-Vacation Diet Is Failing
Reasons Why Your Pre-Vacation Diet Is Failing
My vacation is less than 2 weeks away and I'm so excited!  But, like a lot of people, I do want to trim down just a tad before we go, cause, you know, bathing suits and stuff. Of all the people who go on a pre-vacay slim-down plan, only 23% say they actually succeeded...
Here’s Proof That You Need a Vacation, STAT!
Here’s Proof That You Need a Vacation, STAT!
Here’s Proof That You Need a Vacation, STAT!
Thousands of vacation days go unused in the United States every year.  I think it's so sad that we don't use them.  But, I get it.  It's sometimes more work to take time off then it is to just stay and keep truckin'! But, I took this past Monday off because I could start to feel that I was getting a little burnt out, and you could be too...
Top 10 Vacation Fantasies
Top 10 Vacation Fantasies
Top 10 Vacation Fantasies
As heard this morning with Sean, Richie and Bethany! There's a new survey about people's top vacation fantasies, and it proves that 'fantasy' means different things to different people.  Sex, romance, money, adventure... or just having your kids get along...
Watch The Trailer For The New “Vacation” Starring Ed Helms, I Can’t Wait To See This Movie [VIDEO]
Watch The Trailer For The New “Vacation” Starring Ed Helms, I Can’t Wait To See This Movie [VIDEO]
Watch The Trailer For The New “Vacation” Starring Ed Helms, I Can’t Wait To See This Movie [VIDEO]
I guess I have been living under a rock because I feel like I may be the only person who didn't even know they were making a new "Vacation" movie, especially being such a huge fan of the original. Let's be clear, I am not a big fan of "remakes" and the nice thing is , this isn't. While it has some cameos and definitely pays tribute to the original "Vacation" starring
“We’ve heard that over 400,000,000 vacation days go unused every year!” How is this possible! I know taking a vacation is expensive but lots of people these days are taking “staycations” and there are a ton of great sites right here in the Capital region to check out...
How many vacation days are you saving every year? According to Mastercard, not many. We’ve heard that over 400,000,000 vacation days go unused every year! How is this possible! I know taking a vacation is expensive but lots of people these days are taking “staycations” and there are a ton of great sites right here in the Capital Region, ESPECIALLY this time of year...
My Mother In Law Invited Herself On Our Vacation – Daily Dilemma
My Mother In Law Invited Herself On Our Vacation – Daily Dilemma
My Mother In Law Invited Herself On Our Vacation – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: In a nutshell, My husband is very close to his Mom. I also love her very much and she is a wonderful Grandmother to our 2 kids. She lives in another state with his Dad and we try to see them as much as possible, but I'm sure she would love to see her Grand kids more often...

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