Just How Big Is Beaches Turks and Caicos Resort Villages and Spa? [VIDEO]
This is very short, but a very convincing way of showing you just how big Beaches Turks and Caicos Resort Villages and Spa really is.I was thinking about this. I would love to do some parasailing just so I can get an aerial photo of this amazing resort.
Luckily, there was a huge panoramic photo of the entire area in the broadcast center here at the Key West Village.
By the way, Key West is just one of the many villages on property. There is also the French Village, the Caribbean Village, the Italian Village and much more. You can freely walk from one to the other and experience all of the land and water sports that they have to offer.
Here's a little video clip of that mural. Feast your eyes on it! And by the way, we are giving you a chance to win a trip down here for yourself. All the information is right here.