
Attention Saratoga County Restaurant Employees! Strange Scam
Attention Saratoga County Restaurant Employees! Strange Scam
Attention Saratoga County Restaurant Employees! Strange Scam
By now, you would think that scammers tried everything to get your personal information or money. It never ceases to amaze me the lengths they go through to try and obtain this stuff. Now there is a bizarre scam circulating and targeting the restaurant industry.
High Gas Prices Has the NY DMV Warning of Latest Texting Scam!
High Gas Prices Has the NY DMV Warning of Latest Texting Scam!
High Gas Prices Has the NY DMV Warning of Latest Texting Scam!
It seems when prices get higher or the economy is crazy, there is always a scam to be aware of. This time the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (NY DMV) has a new scam that they are warning you about. It has to do with high gas prices and rebates.
Fake Arrest Warrants With Troy Residents' Names Latest Scam
Fake Arrest Warrants With Troy Residents' Names Latest Scam
Fake Arrest Warrants With Troy Residents' Names Latest Scam
Scammers keep getting more and more creative with the lengths they go through to try and get personal information. This time they are meddling with the United States Postal Inspection Service to try and make you believe they are the ones contacting you. This is another scam to try and get you to send money or give up personal information.
NY Department of Labor Warns of Latest Scam
NY Department of Labor Warns of Latest Scam
NY Department of Labor Warns of Latest Scam
Here we go again. I know we are all sick of hearing about scams and tricks of how people are trying to steal our identity. But here is another one to be aware of. This time it involves the New York State Department of Labor.
National Grid Scam-What to Look For
National Grid Scam-What to Look For
National Grid Scam-What to Look For
'Tis the season to be on high alert. It seems that every day there is a new scam that you need to be aware of. This time scammers are posing as National Grid employees trying to get your personal information. Here's what you need to know.
Pandemic Relief Text Scam Alert
Pandemic Relief Text Scam Alert
Pandemic Relief Text Scam Alert
There is a warning about a text scam going around that claims you have a stimulus waiting for you because of the coronavirus pandemic. Here's what you need to look for.

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