
Football Racism
Football Racism
Football Racism
I really wonder what in the world goes through people's minds sometimes. After reading about this story, I can't help but think: would my kids have done this? I really want to believe they wouldn't.
Caught On Tape
Caught On Tape
Caught On Tape
Just when you think these kind of things are a thing of the past,  another celebrity or athlete says something stupid and it's caught on tape. I gotta be honest with you the thing that really gets me about this story may not be what you think.
Target Employees Sue Over Racist Training Guide
Target Employees Sue Over Racist Training Guide
Target Employees Sue Over Racist Training Guide
I am not racist, I'm pretty sure of that. At the same time being a white male, I don't think I am qualified to say what is or isn't racist as I don't think I have ever been in that situation. I do think however, that  this "training guide" is ridiculous and even moronic. I don't know that it is worthy of a lawsuit. Although, as with many things I think , I could be very wrong.
Brad Paisley Controversy
Brad Paisley Controversy
Brad Paisley Controversy
Brad Paisley's new album, "Wheelhouse" comes out today. On it you will find songs like, "Outstanding in our field" the fun "party" song you may have heard on the ACM Awards on Sunday night. It does however include song that may be a little more thought provoking like, "Those Crazy Christians" and the one currently causing a lot of talk both positive and nega
Is Terry Bradshaw A Racist?
Is Terry Bradshaw A Racist?
Is Terry Bradshaw A Racist?
Today on the air we touched upon a pretty good topic. This weekend one of those crazy moments in broadcasting happened on "Fox NFL Sunday" when Terry Bradshaw was talking about a play in the game between the Miami Dolphins and the Indianapolis Colts. Some would even say , a racist moment.