
Your Town Thursday
Your Town Thursday
Your Town Thursday
Here's yet another Albany, Area town that we pass through so many times, yet know so little about. Well, I'm going to have to learn about it real quick if I am to put a song together for this Thursday! Please help!!!!!
Your Town Thursday
Your Town Thursday
Your Town Thursday
It's going to be a very busy week around the radio ranch. I want to get writing  very early because we have to go to Hunter Mountain this week for the most exciting music festival this area has ever seen (got your tickets yet?) .
Your Town Thursday
Your Town Thursday
Your Town Thursday
This was a real last ditch effort.  We solicited towns on the air yesterday (Wednesday), and Gansevoort was suggested.  As a former resident, I thought it was definitely time!
Your Town Thursday
Your Town Thursday
Your Town Thursday
i'll make this short and sweet.  This is an open invitation for all of you folks who live in Colonie, NY (and there are many of you) to send in some information about this great little (?) town.  I will then whip up a little theme song for you!
Your Town Thursday
Your Town Thursday
Your Town Thursday
Feura Bush is an interesting little hamlet in the Town of New Scotland (see what you learn when you ask for information from our listeners?) .  That's not all I learned, and you're about to learn yourself as you listen to this little takeoff on a classic Rascal Flatts song.
Black Friday In Albany
Black Friday In Albany
Black Friday In Albany
The day after Thanksgiving is to many families it's own holiday - Black Friday. People stay up late and get up early to get some of the best deals of the season. We have plenty of choices in the Albany NY area for Black Friday shopping so here's a list of the store opening times for some of our favorite stores. Happy Shopping!

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