
Hard to Contain My Excitement for This Artist at Countryfest
Hard to Contain My Excitement for This Artist at Countryfest
Hard to Contain My Excitement for This Artist at Countryfest
I have two Countryfest 2016 artists that I feel like I keep teetering back and forth between as so who I'm more excited for. I guess I really don't have to choose one over the other, they'll both be there, but when I saw this I melted a
I Was Blown Away at the LSS Benefit Concert Tuesday Night [PHOTOS  VIDEO]
I Was Blown Away at the LSS Benefit Concert Tuesday Night [PHOTOS VIDEO]
I Was Blown Away at the LSS Benefit Concert Tuesday Night [PHOTOS VIDEO]
In the last 2-months, I've had the amazing opportunity to get acclimated into the country world courtesy of 107-7 GNA. In my career, I've been blessed with the opportunity to meet and hang out with so many different musicians all across the board when it comes to genres, but honestly, not many from the country world until now.
Jumping on the Bandwagon…
Jumping on the Bandwagon…
Jumping on the Bandwagon…
I grew up listening to him. His posters were plastered on my bedroom and locker walls. I watched and loved (at the time) every hairstyle he's attempted (even that ramen noodle like phase.) He could've been just another guy in just another boyband
My Nana Chose Her Country “Boyfriend” [VIDEO]
My Nana Chose Her Country “Boyfriend” [VIDEO]
My Nana Chose Her Country “Boyfriend” [VIDEO]
My Nana is going to be 84 on Tuesday and has been a part of Capital Region radio for the last 8 years or so. Typically, she would be talking about American Idol and who her favorites were (usually her "boyfriend" of the
Where’s All the Music Hiding in the Capital Region?
Where’s All the Music Hiding in the Capital Region?
Where’s All the Music Hiding in the Capital Region?
You hear a song on the radio and it's a few years old, but you can't get enough. I mean, it is technically new, new to you! So, you head out into the Capital Region to go and purchase the cd only to come up empty handed. I know what you're thinking, "Marissa, this is why
Albany Airport Gets Own Exit off Northway
Albany Airport Gets Own Exit off Northway
Albany Airport Gets Own Exit off Northway
The state budget agreement has gone through for 2016-2017 and it's happening. Govenor Andrew M. Cuomo announced earlier this month the focal points of the budget agreement and it includes

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