
What Would You Win an Gold Olympian Medal For? [POLL]
What Would You Win an Gold Olympian Medal For? [POLL]
What Would You Win an Gold Olympian Medal For? [POLL]
I watch these Olympic sports and I get jealous. My asthma doesn't allow a lot of cardio in my life. Don't get me wrong, I've played softball forever at this point, even when it wasn't easy to breathe. But alas, I'm not Olympian worthy. It did get me thinking though.
Reliving the Interstates & Tailgates Tour with Toby Keith and Friends
Reliving the Interstates & Tailgates Tour with Toby Keith and Friends
Reliving the Interstates & Tailgates Tour with Toby Keith and Friends
This job is cool. No, for real. It can been frustrating at times, with long hours that seem never ending, always having to be 'on' with perkiness when all you want to do is crawl into bed. Then there are moments like the Interstates and Tailgates tour when all you want to do is find a solo cup and let loose!
Bring Your Local Fair Fave Home to Your Freezer – Deep Fried Twinkies
Bring Your Local Fair Fave Home to Your Freezer – Deep Fried Twinkies
Bring Your Local Fair Fave Home to Your Freezer – Deep Fried Twinkies
First Girl Scouts made my week - or at least I thought that they did with the announcement Thursday of not one, but two S'mores based cookies coming to their line in 2017. Now, Hostess really is being the hostess with the mostest (see what I did there?) and bringing deep fried twinkies to the freezer aisle!

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