
Is New York the Worst State to Retire In? Check the Stats
Is New York the Worst State to Retire In? Check the Stats
Is New York the Worst State to Retire In? Check the Stats
As I was skimming through some articles, one made me stop: "Here's the Best State for Older Americans - And the Worst." I knew New York wouldn't be listed as the best. But, listen I'm not one to put us down, by any means! I'm just aware of the troubles that could be considered living here. I also didn't think we'd be the worst either, which we're not. But, where did we fall?
Remember Albany’s Ranger Danger on FOX in the 90’s? “Uhhh Yeaaah” [VIDEO]
Remember Albany’s Ranger Danger on FOX in the 90’s? “Uhhh Yeaaah” [VIDEO]
Remember Albany’s Ranger Danger on FOX in the 90’s? “Uhhh Yeaaah” [VIDEO]
Growing up in the Capital Region in the 90s was a special time. I can remember wearing my neon shorts, school t-shirt, and slap bracelets while heading to the Saratoga Harness Track and being so excited. It wasn't just your normal trip to the track, this was special. A once in a lifetime experience. My parents were bringing my friend and me to meet the one and only Ranger Danger!
Vintage Local News Footage of CBS 6 From 1989 [VIDEO]
Vintage Local News Footage of CBS 6 From 1989 [VIDEO]
Vintage Local News Footage of CBS 6 From 1989 [VIDEO]
1989 doesn't seem that long ago, but when I found this video I realized it looks like a lifetime ago. Our fashions have changed, our digital video, graphics and even audio have vastly improved, I mean, just see it for yourself.
Engagement at Siena Game After Half-Court Shot [VIDEO]
Engagement at Siena Game After Half-Court Shot [VIDEO]
Engagement at Siena Game After Half-Court Shot [VIDEO]
It sounds completely out of a movie, doesn't it? Girl has the opportunity to win a $500 gift card if she makes a half-court shot during the half-time break of the big Siena game. Boy decides he's going to pop the question to her surprise. Girl hits half court shot, Boy proposes, Girl says, "yes!" Crowd goes crazy! Fade to black. End scene. Roll credits.

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