
Daily Dilemma
Daily Dilemma
Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: I've got a good dilemma for ya. My boyfriend has recently gone away to boot camp, and has been gone for almost 2 months. He sends me letters at least every day. I keep in contact with his Mother and always tell her when I get a letter...
Typical Teenager Or Behavior Problem? – Daily Dilemma
Typical Teenager Or Behavior Problem? – Daily Dilemma
Typical Teenager Or Behavior Problem? – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: My friend has a 13 year old boy that is down right terrible to her. He is so rude, disrespectful, ignores what she says even if she asks him a simple question as "What would you like for lunch". He gets even more mad when she won't buy him what he wants...
Home Schooling
Home Schooling
Home Schooling
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: Two years ago, I decided to home school my two children when I discovered they were falling behind at school and the school didn’t even seem to notice or care. They had “satisfactory” report cards and at teacher conferences they said they were doing just fine – except my third grader couldn’t really read or do basic math, and my first grader was not participating...
4 Things Your Kids Can Do Inside When it Snows
4 Things Your Kids Can Do Inside When it Snows
4 Things Your Kids Can Do Inside When it Snows
When the snow comes in fast, it blankets the roads and for most people – this means staying home to avoid risking unnecessary travel on slippery roads.  Once the kids get cold or tired of playing outside in the snow, they might start to drive you a little crazy indoors. Sure, you could park them in front of the television or with video games, but sometimes even that gets boring.  Here are 4 things
Help A Local KID
Help A Local KID
Help A Local KID
Ronald Piper emailed us  and asked us if we could help him out with something that is important to him. Believe me, he has been working hard and is full of ambition.
Work for It
Work for It
Work for It
I don’t normally share this type of thing on my Facebook page or the blog, but it made me laugh when I saw it this morning.  These kids are learning it takes some hard work to get what you want, not just a bunch of “likes” on Facebook:
Neighbor’s Kids Are Out Of Control – Daily Dilemma
Neighbor’s Kids Are Out Of Control – Daily Dilemma
Neighbor’s Kids Are Out Of Control – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: My family and I rent half of a duplex on a dead end street in a nice neighborhood. We’ve been here for three years, and the tenant on the other side of the duplex moved out recently and a new family has just moved in... Read More ...
A Daughter Has Problems Learning And The School And The Mom Are Blaming Each Other – Daily Dilemma
A Daughter Has Problems Learning And The School And The Mom Are Blaming Each Other – Daily Dilemma
A Daughter Has Problems Learning And The School And The Mom Are Blaming Each Other – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: My daughter is having some trouble at school. She’s in third grade and while she is very intelligent, she struggles socially and is not getting very good grades on her school work. She has trouble remembering things, like multiplication facts, and has a hard time with reading comprehension... Read More ...

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