After an explosion outside the bar he was in, an off-duty Capital Region firefighter had his wallet stolen as he rushed to save a family in a nearby house.
The 100-year old Wellington Hotel had sat vacant in downtown Albany for years and in order to get rid of an eye sore and also utilize the space it held in a more useful manner, it had to go. So, in August of 2014, the city of Albany got rid of it.
They didn't just get rid of it though, they did it with some pizzazz!
Let me preface this by saying, I don't necessarily agree with Uncle Rob in this video, but I do find this video, and the concept of it absolutely hilarious! Well done Uncle Rob!
Who's Uncle Rob you ask? Well, I'm not entirely sure, but he seems to be a redneck with a video camera who doesn't really care for Luke Bryan music...
(Updated January 30, 2013 at 10:20 p.m.) One person has some serious injuries, but they’re not life threatening, from an explosion at building 12 of the New York State campus.
An explosion occurred at the West Fertilizer Plant just before 8:00pm Central Time. ABC news has reported, 179 people hospitalized with 10 additional people in triage. At least 24 are in critical condition.
There have been two confirmed bombs detonated near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. We are updating this post as new information comes in. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of the victims.
Refresh this page for updates as we add them. Latest information will be on the top:
National- A man in Washington deliberately set fire to his home, killing himself and his two sons. Josh Powell was the lone suspect in the 2009 disappearance of his wife, Susan Powell.
Today marks the 25th anniversary of the explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger. Though I was 3-years of age at the time, I remember growing up hearing about the explosion and how tragic of a day it was for our country.