capital region

Person that Stole Car With 2-Year Old Inside Found
Person that Stole Car With 2-Year Old Inside Found
Person that Stole Car With 2-Year Old Inside Found
They say kids will be kids but it's unfortunate when a kid's being a kid and it affects another kid in the process, I kid you not. Tuesday morning I reported that a car had been stolen in Albany with a 2-year old still in the backseat. Everyone was able to take a sigh of relief because the car was found
Say Hello to The Capital Region Spelling Bee Champ
Say Hello to The Capital Region Spelling Bee Champ
Say Hello to The Capital Region Spelling Bee Champ
Does anyone remember their first spelling bee? It's kind of a weird thing if you think about it. At least mine was. I'm pretty sure we were all forced to participate. Which is always a good start for a kid. The teacher would call on every student and they'd have to stand up and spell the word. If we didn't get it right we would have to sit down and if the public humiliation wasn't enough we would
Car Stolen With 2-Year Old Inside This Morning In Albany [PHOTO]
Car Stolen With 2-Year Old Inside This Morning In Albany [PHOTO]
Car Stolen With 2-Year Old Inside This Morning In Albany [PHOTO]
There will be instant shame on the Mom from the public when I say that she left her 2-year old in the car while she ran into the store quick. Sure, it may have been a common occurrence when I was growing up in the 80's, but these days? It's a big no-no.
Two New Eateries Are Coming To Crossgates Mall
Two New Eateries Are Coming To Crossgates Mall
Two New Eateries Are Coming To Crossgates Mall
Crossgates Mall just announced that two new eateries are coming to the mall  According to the mall these two new dining options will be available to customers on the lower lever near Lord &Taylor. I am pretty excited that one of them is a Japanese themed eatery. Wh...
The 518 Makes the List of Most Expensive Places to Get Married
The 518 Makes the List of Most Expensive Places to Get Married
The 518 Makes the List of Most Expensive Places to Get Married
Way to go Capital Region! You've made another Top 25 list!  This time for tying the knot! When I saw the list of the most expensive states to get married, of course New York was #1... Everything in Manhattan is expensive!  But when I took a further look, I realized it's not all NYC's fault...

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