capital region

A Week In Albany, NY, On A $69,000 Salary
A Week In Albany, NY, On A $69,000 Salary
A Week In Albany, NY, On A $69,000 Salary
Whenever I see National websites mention one of the cities in the Capital Region, I have to click on it. This one was interesting and took someone with a $69,000 salary and figured out how they'd spend it in Albany.
I Love NY Too, It’s Winter I Dislike
I Love NY Too, It’s Winter I Dislike
I Love NY Too, It’s Winter I Dislike
Ask anyone in the Capital Region what's on their mind now that holidays are over and surely you'll hear something about how the frigid the temps have been. I know I've been complaining about it!  Snow, on the other hand, presents a whole different set of issues.  What's worse in your opinion: Getting dumped on by tons of snow or weeks of this relentless arctic freeze we've been experiencing? Read
Reddit Unknown Facts About the Capital Region [LIST]
Reddit Unknown Facts About the Capital Region [LIST]
Reddit Unknown Facts About the Capital Region [LIST]
Vinnie posted yesterday about how the Capital Region Walmart is the biggest in the United States. Did you know that? A bunch of Redditors made a list of other things about the Capital Region you may not have known.

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