
Whitehall’s Sasquatch Festival: Ya Gotta See It To Believe it
Whitehall’s Sasquatch Festival: Ya Gotta See It To Believe it
Whitehall’s Sasquatch Festival: Ya Gotta See It To Believe it
As the self-proclaimed Sasquatch capital of the northeast, the town of Whitehall is known for many sightings of the mythological  beast. Whether or not you're a believer, there's plenty to love about Whitehall's Annual Sasquatch Festival.  And while there's no telling when or where one can see an actual Bigfoot, the festival is coming in less than two weeks.
Local Investigator: Recent Finding Might Be Proof Of Bigfoot (Photo)
Local Investigator: Recent Finding Might Be Proof Of Bigfoot (Photo)
Local Investigator: Recent Finding Might Be Proof Of Bigfoot (Photo)
The village of Whitehall did something well, very Whitehall, this past July.  They adopted 'Bigfoot' as their official animal.  An alleged sighting of the mythological beast just last week has added to the intrigue and mystery surrounding the hairy creature that many have claimed to have seen, but unable to prove.  A local investigator went to the area where the supposed sighting took place and ca
Whitehall’s New ‘Official Animal’ Is The Most Whitehall Thing Ever
Whitehall’s New ‘Official Animal’ Is The Most Whitehall Thing Ever
Whitehall’s New ‘Official Animal’ Is The Most Whitehall Thing Ever
The Village of Whitehall made a big announcement about their newly voted on village animal exactly the way I would expect them to.  They named a mythological beast it's official village animal.  This is the most Whitehall thing ever and I absolutely love it!  Don't believe in Bigfoot?  Think Sasquatch is a scam?  Don't tell that to people of Whitehall.
The Future of Bigfoot Hunting
The Future of Bigfoot Hunting
The Future of Bigfoot Hunting
Children are the future. The children will inherit the Earth after our generation is gone. So obviously it's important that we teach them valuable skills that will help them throughout their lives such as: problem solving, thinking outside the box, and of course, how to hunt for Bigfoot.
Bigfoot Sightings in Upstate New York [Watch]
Bigfoot Sightings in Upstate New York [Watch]
Bigfoot Sightings in Upstate New York [Watch]
My sister used to date a guy who's father was obsessed with finding Bigfoot. There are actually a lot of people out there who believe in Bigfoot, and whose life goal it is to find him. Or her?