Simple Tasks, Can You Do Them?
I saw a survey that talked about fairly simple tasks that everyone should know how to do. Granted it was a UK survey, but it got me thinking of how many couples in the Capital Region know how to do these.
I have to admit, before I opened the survey, even before I knew it was from the UK, I thought I would nail it. Well, that totally is not the case. Plus when Jenn and I compared our lists, we were total opposites in what we knew.
Here is how she and I compared.
Change a light bulb - We both can.
Cook one full meal without a recipe - Jenn can, I totally can't (even with a recipe).
Read a map - We both can.
Sew on a button - Jenn can but I can not.
Remove a stain - We both can and have with a dog and a kid
Change a baby's diaper - We both can but she's more effecient
Check the oil level in a car - I can but Jenn can't.
Put up wallpaper - I have but she has not.
Change a flat tire - Neither one of us has.
How do you and your significant other compare on this list?