He's been there before; crushing an Olympic run, taking home the gold medal and reveling in all it's glory.  But for Shaun White, it was an Olympic moment he wished he could have back.  White’s post-race actions of dragging the American flag through the snow caused outrage among some television viewers and naturally the twitter universe followed.

According to the Washington Post he offered this apology: “I remember being handed the flag. I was trying to put my gloves on and hold the flag and the board,” he said. “Honestly, if there was anything, I definitely didn’t mean any disrespect. The flag that’s flying on my house right now is way up there. Sorry for that. But I’m definitely proud — very proud — to be a part of Team USA and being an American and to be representing for everyone back home.”

We accept the apology, but Shaun White's been there before.  He should know better.

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