A historic building in Washington County will soon take on new life with some new owners. I recently did an article about repurposing the former LexisNexis building in Albany by Albany Medical Center. This time, it’s the historic Cambridge Hotel. The hotel was known as the birth place of pie a la mode.

Cambridge Hotel
Google Earth

About three years ago, it was the scene of the television show ‘Hotel Hell’ with Gordon Ramsey. The owners at that time were struggling with the business. It was an attempt to help save the the business, but unfortunately didn’t work. In 2012, there was a foreclosure auction and the property was taken over by a bank.

Move ahead to 2013, and the building was sold. It was purchased by ICC Management And Consulting, based in the Albany area. According to the story from Time Warner Cable News, the historic building will soon become an 80 bed senior living center, which will create some jobs and bring revenue to the area.

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