NYS Tolls Going Cashless by End of Year
Get ready to go cashless on the Thruway by the end of 2020. Plans are moving forward for the toll changeover. Here's what you need to know. According to News Channel 13, the New York State Thruway is moving quickly at changing over to cashless tolling across the state. The project consisting of bringing seventy cashless toll overhangs with a price tag of three hundred fifty-five million dollars should be completed by the end of the year.
The seventy cashless toll systems include five hundred seventy miles of toll roads, tunnels, and bridges. This will make it more convenient and transform the Thruway for nearly two hundred sixty-seven million who drive it each year.
If you don't already have an E-Z Pass, driving under one of these new cashless systems will trigger a picture to be taken of your license plate. Then a bill will be sent to you by mail. You want to make sure that your address is updated with the Department of Motor Vehicles.