New Homeowner Alert-Why The Orange Tabs in My Windows?
As I settle into my new home, there are a ton of things that I am learning. First, it was the direction of the fans and how I could save on my heat bills, and now I discovered something interesting on all of my windows. I was noticing these little orange tabs that stopped me from raising my windows more than a couple of inches.
I couldn't figure out why there would be a "stopper" on my windows. I mean if I want to open up my windows and get fresh air, why would anything stop me from doing that? Turns out it is a safety feature that has been added to all new windows. Since our house is new construction, every window has this special tab. Mine happens to be orange.
The correct term for these window stoppers is window sash vent stops or vent locks. These orange tabs allow me to open the windows to a certain point so that I can let fresh air in. It also acts as a safety feature. They help prevent the windows from opening completely. The vent lock also only opens a couple of inches so you can still get fresh air but have the peace of mind that a burglar won't be able to climb in through your screen. So it acts as a window safety mechanism.
I love my new house and I am learning some really cool tricks, safety features, and fun money saving ideas each week. When I discover more, I will pass them along. Some of these tricks you may already know. Maybe I will come across one that you haven't known before and I will help you out too.