Verdict Is In For Hoosick Falls Senior Pranksters
A week ago, a "senior prank" story surfaced from Newschannel 13 involving students at Hoosick Falls High School for a prank that involved silly string, balloons, and cans of tuna fish. The students faced disciplinary action that could have resulted in loss of National Honors Society accolades and possibly not graduating. The school has since put the punishment to bed, and all's well that ends well for the senior pranksters.
When Chrissy, Jess and I discussed this story on the air (and through our social media) many of you had strong opinions about what the school should or shouldn't regarding the students. While most of you agreed that there should have been ramifications for the students indiscretions, most of you felt that the punishment should be more community/school based. School officials threatened to withhold graduation and or stripping the involved students of National Honors Society accolades. They did neither.
According to the school, students completed community service and there will be no further punishment. The only thing lingering at this point is sheer embarrassment and perhaps the smell of canned albacore. In time, both will fade.