Local Couple Celebrates Fourth of July with Lawn Flag [PHOTO]
The Fourth of July comes around and there are American flags everywhere. A local couple didn't just want to celebrate America the old-fashioned way, so they decided to create a completely different kind of flag - in their lawn.
It may sound strange and it's not the regular red, white, and blue that you're used to but anyway to celebrate America is a great way to celebrate America. I first saw the picture and story with Kristi Gustafson Barlette on the Times Union.
Zac Williams and his wife Bobbi wanted to do something bigger to celebrate so they took their lawn care experience and ran with it. Zac has been into lawn care for a few years and only recently started creating designs with stripes. With the patriotic holiday coming up, he figured he'd give Old Glory a try but had no idea how it would turn out.
Zac started planning and prepping about three weeks ago for the design by training the grass. By doing that, he created the look of different colors that you see in the picture. Who knows, with the success of this, we may see pumpkins for halloween and bunnies for Easter in the future.