OMG!  I can't even watch it anymore!  It's worse than any disaster flick I've ever seen and then some.  Don't you agree?  These poor people in Japan.  People sleeping outside in 32 degree weather, nuclear meltdown worries.    An entire civilization literally uprooted--all caused by 1 natural event.  And some of the facts and figures are mindboggling

According to

1.  The Coast of Japan has moved eastward 8 FEET!!

2. The Earth's axis shifted 4 inches!!

3. There have been 160 aftershocks in the first 24 hours--many more to come

4. The tectonic plates have slipped 59 feet

5.  Some of the tsunami waves have reached 6 miles inland

Bizarre facts, huh?  And the related nuclear power plant worries in Japan  have triggered terrible memories in the minds of others living around the world, especially Russia.  It brings back to them the awful images of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster.  I was interested to see if there was any coverage on the web from Russia to see what their take was.  I found this:

There will be much, much more about this topic to be sure.  What else can we say except that we send sincere condolences to the Japanese people.  I'm sure there are many organizations that you can give donations to, if you wish.   I found a link for The American Red Cross if you are interested.

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