I Got Tricked On Halloween!
So yesterday, on Halloween, I was totally prepared for haunts and ghosts. I was prepared with candy for all of the trick-or treaters, but what I wasn't prepared for was being tricked. Yesterday we had our live Halloween broadcast at the Cohoes Music Hall. I arrived at 5:30am and parked in the lot across the street next to Jess and Brian. During the broadcast, we had listeners drop by and Jenn and my six year old, Ryan also stopped before he went to school. Jenn brought delicious cupcakes and Ryan enjoyed hearing the spooky audio that we got from our haunts the night before.
Our broadcast wrapped up around 10:15am and I headed out. Jess and Brian left before me. When I walked out of the Cohoes Music Hall, my car was gone. I mean completely not there. There were construction workers and I asked them if I had parked in a towing lot. They said no and noticed how distraught I was. One of the workers searched the lot for me. All of a sudden he yelled, "Did you say a black CRV?". He said, "It's over here!". Still puzzled, I got in my car.
I quickly called Jenn. Sure enough, when they left our broadcast, Ryan thought it would be an awesome trick if they moved my car into a different spot. Awesome! Jenn said that Ryan was so proud of his trick, he went to school all excited about it.
How great is that? I totally got tricked on Halloween and I loved it!
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