Getting My Steps In At Disney
Even though I will be on vacation, I will be getting a ton of exercise in. We always try to keep track of how much we walk when we visit Disney. We will do the same this trip too. Last time we went to Walt Disney World, we took our time, walked at our own pace and at the end of our three day trip, we walked an average of 15,000 steps per day. We will be keeping track again this trip and we are going for a few more days than last time. I will be curious to see if our steps are more or less. I will follow-up and let you know how many steps we got in.
Do you keep track of your steps when you are on vacation?
This post is part of a weekly series we’re calling ‘Fresh and Healthy’, a series about living well in the Capital Region. You will be able to find a new story about everything from staying active, to great food, to outdoor activities and more every Thursday morning.
‘Fresh and Healthy’ is sponsored by Ellis Medicine. Every week on Thursday mornings, visit their Facebook page to find their companion post to this series to get more information on the best ways to stay healthy from the experts.