Experts Say We’re Only Productive 3 Days a Week – Is Today Your Day?
This is the kind of survey that really scares me. I'm scared because of occupations such as doctor, pilot, and brake line repair... to name just a few.
The survey I'm talking about found the average person is only productive for a total of three days a week.
And when it's hot outside, that drops down to two-and-a-half days!
Sooooooo happy summer!
Here are the top 10 things that are blocking our productivity... (And in parenthesis, how those things affect me!)
1. Getting a bad night of sleep. (You mean like because of the storm and the EAS warning last night??)
2. Being too hot in the office. (Like the 'GNA studio from 5:00 AM - 8:00 AM??)
3. Your coworkers distracting you or talking to you. (You mean like Sean, Matty and Marissa??)
4. Computer problems. (Are there any computers here that work????)
5. A noisy office. (Come on, it's a freaking radio station!!!)
6. Boredom. (Actually, never a problem here!! :-)
7. Being distracted by personal issues. (Ha!)
8. Feeling hungry. (Do I smell cheese fries??)
9. Being too cold in the office. (Like the 'GNA studio from 8 AM on....???)
10. Being hungover. (SHHHHHHH.... Stop Yelling!!!)
So that's how I work around here.... or rather, don't work! How about you? Are you productive for 2 or 3 days a week?