Coyotes Spotted In Albany
The city is warning residents in some parts of town to be vigilant of coyotes.
Coyotes in Albany? I thought the same thing when I first read this story, but it's true. They are here. In certain parts of town, anyway. According to News 10, coyotes have been spotted in the Norman Kills area. The city of Albany has also posted warning signs for the wild animals at Capital Hills Golf Course and Normans Kill farm. News 10 says to be '..mindful if you’re walking your dog, or letting pets out into your yard. Report any coyote sightings to the DEC.'
So, why do you need to be so vigilant? Human attacks are rare according to the US Humane Society. In fact most coyotes will scare easily when they encounter a human, if they do. You will rarely see them because they are typically nocturnal creatures. But you do need to be careful with your pets, especially smaller ones, as coyotes are predatory animals.
Either way, if you see a coyote, steer clear. And for info how to stay safe if you do encounter one, click here.