Clear Off Your Vehicle or Get Fined
Whenever we get a significant amount of snowfall, there seem to be vehicles on the road that don't completely clear snow off their cars. Now police are cracking down and if you don't clear your car, you could be fined. After any major snowstorm, there are always a handful of cars on the roads that have not completely cleaned off their vehicles. I always seem to be the one that follows those cars. Not only is it extremely dangerous, but it's illegal and can cost you.
According to News 10 ABC, if you leave excessive snow on your vehicle's roof or windows, you are breaking the law. It is not only very dangerous, but there are fines involved in both New York and Massachusetts.
If Massachusetts police officers see a driver has a snow obstructed window, they can issue a forty dollar fine for impeded operation. If there is a large amount of snow on the roof of the vehicle, hood, or trunk, they may issue a two hundred dollar fine for driving with an unsecured load. This includes snow and ice.
Authorities realize that motorists need to get to work and other places, but it is imperative for the safety of other travelers on roadways that you take the time to clear off your vehicles completely. This will ensure fewer accidents on the highways. It will also ensure the safety of others on the roads. It shouldn't be about the fines that go along with not clearing off your vehicles, it should be the safety of other drivers on the roadways in New York and Massachusetts.