
Obamacare for Dummies
Obamacare for Dummies
Obamacare for Dummies
So, if you're like me, you have no idea about this Affordable Care Act. Honestly, I'm not sure that our actual governing body has any idea about it! But, I do know that... There are somewhere around 50 million Americans - men, women and children, without health insurance right now...
Is This Guy The Best Mayoral Candidate You Have Ever Seen? [VIDEO]
Is This Guy The Best Mayoral Candidate You Have Ever Seen? [VIDEO]
Is This Guy The Best Mayoral Candidate You Have Ever Seen? [VIDEO]
Politics, UGH!  What in the world is going on in this Country? I know you ask yourself the same question all the time. It just seems like it's all become some really big joke. The politicians have all the power and money and they just let us "think" we have some input when we go out to the polls.
On Strike
On Strike
On Strike
We may be just fine around here when we pull up to our local fast food drive through, but in many places around the Country fast food workers and some other chain store employees plan on walking off the job today, in a one day protest over low wages.
Historic Auction
Historic Auction
Historic Auction
For all you house hunting buffs out there, there's a very cool site that I'm going to turn you on to - it's called Top Ten Real Estate Deals.com.  You wouldn't believe some of the listings they have.  Celebrities' homes, historically significant homes - you name it.  Here's just one:
Weather Weapons?
Weather Weapons?
Weather Weapons?
I will not say the government is always good and never does shady things BUT I strongly disagree with talk show host Alex Jones. Jones accused the U.S. Government of using "weather weapons" and causing the Oklahoma Tornadoes. I think someone watched too much "G.I. Joe" as a child.
Ricin Sent to Obama
Ricin Sent to Obama
Ricin Sent to Obama
The White House just held a press conference in which they confirmed that a letter addressed to President Obama has tested positive for richin. There is no indication that this letter is connected to the bombings in Boston.
Dixie Chick Returns
Dixie Chick Returns
Dixie Chick Returns
Ya’ll know I LOVE Natalie Maines voice and I REALLY miss the Dixie Chicks.  So, I am kind of excited hearing the news that Natalie is going to release an album this May. I know , I know there are some people who just will never forgive the "Chicks" and I agree that sometimes celebrities should sometimes just do what they do and not feel the need to be political.

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