Medical news

Lose Weight With The Lose IT App
Lose Weight With The Lose IT App
Lose Weight With The Lose IT App
Just the other day I was complaining about not being able to get to the gym and not even knowing where to start with balancing my diet. The other night i couldn't sleep so I was looking through the "Popular App" section on my droid when I found "Lose It".
Stupid Pill?
Stupid Pill?
Stupid Pill?
The following is an online advertisement that is floating around the web.  It is promoting a pill that will make you basically stupid.  And what is REALLY stupid is that some people think this is for real!  Or is it?  You be the judge.
Levack Is Accepting The Vent Fitness Challenge
Levack Is Accepting The Vent Fitness Challenge
Levack Is Accepting The Vent Fitness Challenge
A few years back I took a very similar fitness challenge and had amazing results. Well here we are about three years later and I sadly have to admit I put the weight back on. I am still healthier then I was before but I need something to challenge and refocus myself. I found it and invite you to come with me, The Vent Fitness Challenge.
Your Health Checklist Before Your Doctor Checkup
Your Health Checklist Before Your Doctor Checkup
Your Health Checklist Before Your Doctor Checkup
It’s recommended that everyone visit their doctor at least once each year for an annual physical exam.  When problems or potential illnesses are caught early on, many times they can be solved before they become major – saving you time, money, and helping you feel your best.  Here are a few things you can do to prepare before you visit the doctor to get the most out of your appointment:
Superbowl Calories
Superbowl Calories
Superbowl Calories
I'm a very, very bloated individual at the time of this writing.  Everything from chicken wings to pizza to beer to cheesecake was consumed at the two Superbowl get togethers that we attended.  I was wondering just how much exercise it would take to burn it off?  Are you ready for this?
Young Overweight Children
Young Overweight Children
Young Overweight Children
It's "sensitive issue" time.  We touched on it on the Sean and Richie Show Thursday morning.  What's worse - letting your 7 year old child stay at an unhealthy weight (chunky but happy!), or becoming harping on their every move to get them in better shape and dropping the extra weight.

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