Big Lottery Winner In The Capital Region-Check Your Tickets
I play the lottery every so often and hope for that big win. Actually, I believe that someday I will hit a huge jackpot. But for now, there is someone in the Capital Region that is holding onto a big winner. The September 27th Take 5 drawing had a top prize ticket sold in Rensselear County. Lottery officials are hoping that the winner comes forward. The ticket was a free play sold at a Stewart's Shop located at 18223 Route 22 in Berlin.
The winning numbers on the Take 5 ticket were 19-22-23-25-34. These numbers are worth $61,114!
Make sure if you frequent that Stewart's or know where it is, check all of your tickets. You may be a thousand-aire. The New York Lottery says that winning Take 5 tickets can be cashed at all prize levels up to one year from the date of the drawing.
So if that is your Stewart's in Berlin or you played the lottery by chance in that store near September 27th, check your tickets. Hey, you never know!